
Interest on Investment: Types and Calculation Procedure

What does interest mean? Interest on investment refers to the earnings that you (investor) receive from an investment over time. When you invest, you technically lend your money to a business, government, or financial institution, and in turn, you get interest. In the simplest term, you can think of interest as a reward for allowing your money to work for

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R&D Costs: What They Entail and Tax Considerations

What Are R&D Costs? Research and Development costs are the expenditures incurred by a company in its pursuit of new and improved products, services, or processes. For companies in various sectors, especially those in automobile, technology, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing, R&D is the lifeblood that fosters innovation and long-term competitiveness. Think of Research and Development expenses as what

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Company’s Financial Health: Its Importance and How To Analyze It

What is Financial Health? A company’s financial health is a term used to describe the state of an organization’s financial affairs. It is a snapshot of the company’s financial strength and stability. When assessing financial health, a variety of factors come into play, including whether a company is thriving, just surviving, or facing minor or severe challenges.

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Why a Company Sees Rising Revenue and Declining Profits (With Examples)

Does high revenue mean more profit? Not necessarily. A company could experience a spike in revenue, yet see a decline in profits. Let’s get it right once and for once: a company might witness a rising revenue, but declining profits. How increasing revenue and declining profits happen We already spelt out distinctions between revenue and

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Understanding Revenue vs Profits in Business: A Simple Guide

Understanding the difference between revenue and profits is a very important aspect of business management and financing an entrepreneur needs to know. This article aims to explain the complex dynamics between revenue and profits and their significance in the day-to-day activities of a business. It provides a comprehensive overview of how they are calculated, and

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Investing and Saving: Building a Strong Financial Future

Investing and saving are crucial components of building a strong financial future. Many people often confuse these terms or fail to understand their differences. In this blog post, we will explore the concepts of investing and saving, their significance, and the key distinctions between the two. What is Saving? Saving refers to setting aside a

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