We believe in transparency and providing accurate information to our readers. The data we use to support our articles are sourced across the web from reliable government or non-profit making organizations in the U.S., UK, Nigeria, Canada, and across the web.
Below, you’ll find a list of some of the sources we rely on to create the content you see on our blog:
Expert Interviews: We often conduct interviews with experts in various fields to gain insights and expertise on specific topics. These interviews provide firsthand knowledge and unique perspectives.
Government and Non for Profit Websites: We rely on reputable government websites for factual information and statistics on topics such as health, education, and demographics. Such as:
- census.gov
- nigerianstat.gov.ng
- usafacts.org
- statcan.gc.ca
- govspend.ng
- gov.uk
News Outlets: We follow trusted news outlets for the latest developments and news stories related to the topics we cover. Some of the outlets we frequently reference include:
- TheCable,
- Forbes,
- Punch, and
- Investopedia.
Academic Institutions: We look to respected academic institutions for research studies, reports, and whitepapers that contribute to our content.
Publicly Available Data: We utilize publicly available data sources such as surveys, polls, and datasets to support our claims and arguments.
Internal Expertise: Our team consists of subject matter experts who contribute their knowledge and expertise to our content creation process.
At INFOMEDIANG, we are committed to providing accurate, well-researched, and informative content to our readers. If you have any questions or concerns about our sources or would like further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.