List of 25 U.S. Dollar Fund Managers in Nigeria

US dollar how to pay off business debt

What Are Dollar Fund Investments? Dollar fund investments are investment vehicles designed to provide returns for investors holding US dollars while also serving as a hedge against inflation when a local currency is devalued. Benefits of USD fund investment 1) Edge against inflation: Ever since Nigeria de-pegged its currency from the US dollar, many international traders … Read more

How To Manage Illiquid Assets Effectively

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What Are Illiquid Assets? Illiquid assets are financial or physical holdings that cannot be quickly converted into cash without a significant loss in value. These assets typically lack an active market, making it challenging to find buyers or sellers promptly. While illiquid assets often hold significant value, their limited marketability distinguishes them from their liquid … Read more

Simplifying Major Types of Investable Assets, Their Strengths and Weaknesses


It is important to understand the variety of assets available for investment when planning your financial future. By exploring different options, you can diversify your portfolio, balance risks, and optimize returns. However, it is also important to know the pros and cons of these investment types, and how to choose the right mix for your … Read more

What Are Investable Assets? How Wealthy Individuals Plan For The Future

Photo of Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon

Investable assets refer to any financial resources that can be allocated to generate returns. Unlike illiquid assets such as real estate or collectibles, these assets are typically liquid or can be easily converted into cash for investment purposes. Examples include: Why They Matter Investable assets are vital for achieving financial goals, whether that’s saving for retirement, … Read more

What Are Segregated Funds and Why Should You Care?

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You’ve probably heard of investments like mutual funds or stocks, but have you ever heard of something called “segregated funds”? Let’s break down what they are and why you might want to invest in them. What is a Segregated Fund? A segregated fund is a type of investment that comes with a special insurance feature. … Read more