How to change your name and Phone Number on Facebook

This is the guide on how to change your name, email address and phone number on Facebook, the largest social media platform .

Some of the reasons why you may consider changing your name include:

1) marital status

2) for “swags” this is particularly common to DJs who want to use their club/stage name on Facebook

3) rearrangement of names. For instance , someone who was known as Adejaye Bosun might want Bosun to come first.

4) you just changed your name due to change of faith? Then you might want to change your name.

5) some criminal minded persons also change their name to reflect the names of politician they want to impersonate, please this is not recommended as you will be caught because enough data about you can be gotten and such could be used to track you.

Here is the step by step guide on how to change your Facebook name

Step 1:

Login to your Facebook profile. We recommend you use chrome , Mozilla or use the Facebook app.

We used chrome browser, so this guide is based on chrome browser

Step 2:

Click the drop down menu

Step 3:

Click account settings

Step 4:
Tap the “General” option from the menu

Step 5:
Click your Name, enter the name you want, or add, or rearrange the name, or add your stage name, or add your alias.

If it’s your e-mail you wish to change, select it and enter your new email address. Want to change your phone number? Then you will have to click the phone number to enter your new phone number, which you want Facebook to link with your account.

Step 6:
Click on preview

Step 7:
Reenter your password and hit save changes.

That’s all.

Please note: “If you change your name on Facebook, you can’t change it again for 60 days.”

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