How to Setup Site Kit by Google for WordPress Site


Site Kit plugin by Google. It’s one of the free products the big “G” is making available for webmasters who sell goods online or who monetised their sites with ads.

In a blog post, Google says SiteKit plugin will be 4-in-1 that will give webmasters access to metrics usually gotten from different dashboard in the past.

What is Site Kit?

It’s the newest Google product that enables publishers and and others whose businesses are online using content management like WordPress. It’s to enable users have access to their site insights.


According Google’s Site Kit Product Manager Mariya Moeva, the new product is to give business owners and publishers”easy access to the insights and capabilities that drive audience and revenue growth. “

Key Features of Site Kit plugin

  • Search Console
  • Analytics
  • AdSense
  • PageSpeed Insights

Search Console:

Virtually all publishers who pay attention to their site performance know how console works, and it’s going to be thrilling to see how Google renders pages and track how many views your site got and how your site appear to people who searched for a particular phrase on search engine.


With this feature in Site Kit plugin you will be able to see “how users navigate across your site and if they complete the goals you have set as conversions.”


This feature is particularly very important for publishers who monetised their content. Through this site kit feature, you will be able to see how you are fairing, how much you contents are earning.

Site kit With Google How To Use It

This feature can only be useful for Google publishers. If you use other monetisation or you’re completely an affiliate progenitor you won’t see anything coming up under earning.

Another great feature to watch out is that you’ll be notified when you break a record on your site, like hitting a milestone.

PageSpeed Insights:

PageSpeed has been identified as one of the metrics used by Google and it would be handy for publishers to see within their WordPress admin dashboard performance of their site.

How to setup Site kit plugin by Google

At the time of compiling this report, WordPress site owner will have to join beta tester and show your interest in the site kit plugin at

Fill your name, email address, site URL, your role , and and a few questions for Google to get in touch with you.Site kit With Google Set Up Guide

From what we saw in the form, the new plugin isn’t going to be for everyone, it seems google is going to run a check if your site is a good fit for the Site Kit beta tester program.

While we awaiting our application for the new plugin, let’s know if you’re already using the plugin in your WordPress site.

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