Afolabi Imoukhuede biography

How To Turn Your Passion Into Money-Making Machine


Passion in relation to entrepreneurship is called passion to profit. Passion has to do with something you love doing, that thing that gives you joy, something you’re never tired of.

“Passion is an intense life-force generated from within, that manifests itself in boundless enthusiasm.

It is a deep, positive and emotional connectedness that is created when your life’s meaning aligns perfectly with your life’s work.

It is a fervent expression of hope that can withstand all setbacks and “to hold on when there is nothing in you except the Will which says: “Hold on!” (IF by Rudyard Kipling),”a quora, a teacher and edupreneur,  Peter Baskerville, says.

Presidential aid on Job Creation, Mr. Afolabi Imoukhuede, in his August 2, 2017, Facebook Live Chat looks at the passion in relation to entrepreneurship.

“You want to consider a lot of areas you can drive passion. Area than can move, that’d be able to convert your passion to some level of profit. There is time to learn, learn, when there is time to explore entrepreneurship opportunities, please do.”

To a creative writer, “Passion – a strong emotion of desire – there is a need to be brave enough to both acknowledge and embrace it. Some let their passion take over the wheel and do things that challenge the status quo, push boundaries, wreck tradition and ultimately reshape the world as we knew it. To strive for your passion is to be different from the rest,” Satakshi N Dixit


So, if you have a passion for writing, how do you convert it to profit? If you have a passion for drawing, how do you turn it into a money-making skills? If you love impacting knowledge, how do you turn it to something that’d fetch you money?

The list of passionate skills that could be sources of profit for you is endless.

If you’ve ever seen a Brazillian professional footballer Ronaldinho Gaucho on the field, then you’d understand what passion is all about. “Playing football gives me joy, it’s fun” he says.

How to turn your passion into a source of revenue?

Convert your passion into a sellable idea

This is what Ali Brown calls Sell It. Search within you to discover that thing that gives you joy, and come up with products that could sell directly or indirectly to your passion.

For the writing example, you could start a review blog. Write a review about the novel you just read. With time, you see passionate readers like you come to your blog.

By that, you’d build sizeable traffic that’d be enough for you to start displaying Google Ads on your blog.

Let people know about your special skill

Do you know some great speakers now earn millions of dollars annually for just giving a talk, sharing their knowledge about something they’re known for?

You too can start something you know about. The Internet has become the stopover for millions of people around the world to search for information. Share that idea, and monetize it.

Thousands of American webmasters make a living from writing CV and other writing skills.

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