10 Practicable Ways To Use MTN CallerFeel to Promote Your Business in Nigeria

There are several means you can use to promote your business and reach a wider audience, one of such is MTN CallerFeel

Activation Codes  are:

  • REG to 50016(Monthly)
  • REG7 to 50016 (Weekly)
  • REG1 to 50016 (Daily)

Deactivation codes are:

  • STOPREG to 50016 (Monthly)
  • STOPREG7 to 50016(Weekly)
  • STOPREG1 to 50016 (Daily)

Someone approached me last week to ask: “How can I promote my business on MTN whenever anyone calls me?

I knew he meant MTN CallerFeel. This service has been on for close to two years (since 2015) and it is one of MTN’s Value-Added Services.

Unfortunately, not everyone who hears about it knows how to set it right on their MTN line.


What’s MTN CallerFeel?

CallerFeel is MTN service that allows its subscribers to express themselves through short messages (110characters) that will appear on their callers phone screen when they call your line.

The message will appear as a pop-up notification.

It’s Purpose

MTN CallerFeel can be used for:

1) Advertising for your business, skills, and creativity e. g “Advertise your business on infomediang for wider coverage. “

2) You can use MTN CallerFeel for sharing Status Updates e.g “It’s amazing at the bar beach today”

3) You can use it for Self-Expression e.g “I stand with Bring Back our Girls”

4) It can be used for Sharing special moments, e.g “Meeting the Senate President changed my view about him”

5) Mtn CALLERFEEL can be used for awareness e. g “Support FGs campaign against corruption “

6) To showing appreciation to your callers e.g “Thanks for your call,  love you”

7) For notification, like birthday notification e.g “December 22 is my day”

8) You can also use mtn CallerFeel for sharing Special messages to specific callers.

How to activate

This service is available daily, weekly, and monthly

Monthly subscription

Text ‘REG’ to 50016.

Registration costs N50/month.

Thereafter compose your short message e.g “Call Creative Photography for your professional pix” and send to 50016.

You can edit your caller feel any time,  but it can’t be more than 25 updates for the month.

Weekly subscription

Text REG7 to 50016

Registration costs #30/week

Wait for a few seconds to compose your short customise message and send to 50016

Daily subscription:

Text REG1 to 50016

How to deactivate it on your line

To unsubscribe from this service text STOPREG7 to 50016 that’s if you’re on weekly subscription

Text STOPREG to 50016 if you’re monthly subscription.

Mtn CallerFeel is an important service you creatively use to promote your business, promote your creativity and services and lots more.

That’s how MTN Caller Feel works. You can also update your Caller Feel any time you feel like editing your Ads.

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