Unveiling the Benefits of Humana Insurance Company

humana insurance company

Welcome to the world of healthcare security and peace of mind with Humana Insurance Company! If you’re searching for comprehensive coverage, outstanding customer service, and affordable plans tailored to fit your needs, look no further. Comprehensive Coverage Options Comprehensive coverage options are essential when it comes to health insurance. Humana Insurance Company offers several plans … Read more

Types of Insurance Policies You Can Choose From


Death, accidents, and natural disasters are some of the devastating events that could happen and no one has absolute control over them even after taking all precautions. Of course, they can destabilize one financially and emotionally when they happen. That is why there are various types of insurance policies in the U.K., Australia and other … Read more

SWIFT Code vs Sort Code: What’s The Difference?


What is a SWIFT Code? A swift code is an 8 or 11-digit code or characters associated with a financial institution for making international transactions. SWIFT code is a standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC) which is used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. It says who and where they are — a sort of international bank code … Read more

Will BitForex Exchange Ever Come Back To Refund Customers’ $57 Million?

This is the official logo of BitForex Exchange

BitForex, an exchange that used to be one of the leading crypto exchanges, has gone under after allegedly disappearing with at least $57 million in customers’ funds. A few days before the Hong Kong-based exchange’s disappearance, it published on its now inaccessible site that its CEO and co-founder Jason Lou stepped down as CEO. Background On February … Read more

Why Do Banks Make Profit Amidst Poverty?

Why Do Banks Make Profit Amidst Poverty

Every year, financial institutions around the world post voluminous profits even when there is poverty or when there has been no significant change in the poverty level. Economically, the fact that financial institutions are making more profits does not translate to poverty reduction. But it is baffling that even when there is hunger, economic difficulties, … Read more

What Is a Tier-1 Bank Account?

central banks in Africa

A Tier-1 bank account or level-1 bank account is a type of bank account that can be opened with minimal or no form of documentation. Tier-1 bank accounts can be opened with a passport photograph and phone number. This category of bank account is popular among unbanked nations such as Nigeria to bring them under … Read more

List of Countries Where Binance Exchange Faced Regulatory Sanctions

Binance Coin Crypto

From outright ban to hefty fines worth billions of U.S. dollars, Binance continues to face harsh regulatory challenges around the world, making it difficult to make its services available in the affected locations. The largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume experienced a push back recently in Africa’s largest crypto market, Nigeria, and in the United States, … Read more