5 Key Things About NMFB Non-Interest Banking Window For TCF & AGSMEIS Applicants Need To Know

Nirsal Micro Finance Bank has launched a non-interest banking window for Targeted Credit Facility and the Agric Small Medium Enterprise Scheme (AGSMEIS). With the latest announcement, NMFB joins the list of four other banks in Nigeria that offers non-interest banking products, Jaiz bank is the first financial institution in Nigeria to start the Islamic principle … Read more

5 Qualities Make Anglo-Nubian Goat

Anglo-Nubian Goat

The Anglo-Nubian goat is a crossbreed between the British goats and bucks of African and Indian origin, which can also be found in Northern Nigeria. This specie is a multipurpose goat for the production of milk, meat, and hide. In this post, we’ll share with you important information about Anglo-Nubian doe and buck. Characteristics of Anglo-Nubian Goat … Read more

What To Know About Fishmeal for Poultry (Chicken and Turkey)

This is the process of measuring the number of ingredients needed to form a single diet for poultry that contains all the necessary nutrients they require. Feed alone takes about 65%-75% of total production expenses in poultry farming, thus a slight mistake in feed formulation may lead to a big loss for the poultry farmer. … Read more

5 Economic Value of Angora Goat

Economic Value of Angora Goat

Angora goat has been since early biblical history and it originated from Angora in Asia Minor. The use of mohair was talked about in the days of Moses thus the Angora would be sometime between 1571 and 1451 BC.  This is according to the Angora Goat Mohair Industry publication from USDA (Miscellaneous Bulletin 50, 1929). … Read more

Master the Art of Crafting a Two-Page Business Plan To Secure Your Loan (with a Proven Template)

business plan for your business in nigeria

Writing a creative, yet simple two-page business plan is essential to the success of would-be SMEs at a time when there are more than 10 CBN-backed loans to apply for. If you want to win the necessary financial support from the government or private organisation, you need a well-conceived and well-packaged plan. A sample of … Read more