WordPress Image cropping problem and Possible Solutions

Some webmasters have WordPress image cropping problem either when trying to upload photo in footer or while trying to upload website logo.

The last time I checked, Can’t crop images in WordPress dominated WordPress forum, everyone trying to find solution to the problem.

At first I even thought it was caused by the size of the photo I was trying to upload, but after reducing the size of the photo problem persist.

Here is the nature of the WordPress Image cropping issue I had: when I was trying to upload my website logo, the option to crop the image didn’t appear.

The of the solutions I found on WordPress forum had to do with implementing codes in some areas of file.php, which I couldn’t handle.

How I solved WordPress Image cropping problem

I found this didn’t actually work for some people, but it worked for me:

I used WP Super Cache to clean cache and thereafter I went back to upload the photo,alas! The option to crop the photo showed up and cropped and successfully uploaded the photo.WordPress Image cropping problem

You may want to give it a try, here is how to use WP Super Cache, follow the guide on how to Add New Plugins.

Go to the plugin settings page at Settings->WP Super Cache and enable caching and follow the rest of the installation guide

But I’ve also seen complaint that Cleaning cache didn’t work for some people, but it did work for me.

WordPress Image cropping problem as a result of Plugin conflict

Another solution that has also helped some webmasters is by deactivating all plugins and see whether everything works fine and then enable the plugins one after the other to see which plugin is conflicting if any.

Over to to you:

Let’s know how you solved your WordPress Image cropping problem

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