CAC BN 01 is a document issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission alongside a Business Name certificate.
Simply put, Form 1 accompanies a certificate of business name. The form is now known as an E-status report.
What does the form entail?
As for Business Name (BN), the e-status report or Form BN 01 has two major parts:
- PART A: Business Name Details
- PART B: Proprietor’s Details
Business Name Details
This is the section of the E-status report that has the details of the business with the following details:
- Business Name
- BN Number
- Date of Registration
- Business Type
- Principal Place of Business
- Branch Address
- Post Code
- Status
- Principal Business Activity
- Due Date of Accounts
Proprietor’s Details
This is part 2 of BN 01 with the following details:
- Role Type
- Surname
- First name
- Other Name
- Phone Number
- Nationality
- Service Address
- Residential Address
- Gender
- Date Of Birth
- Date Of Appointment
- Status
E-Status Report Explained
A status report in relation to business or company registration typically refers to an update on the progress of an entity’s registration process.
It is called CAC E-status report because the document is sent electronically alongside an e-copy of the certificate of registration.
It includes information on the current status of the registration application. That’s why it reads “ACTIVE” if the registration has been successfully completed.
When the applicant receives the document, it contains the current status of the application, “This is the true extract of the business name’s status from the Register as of 10 September” 2022.
In 2021, the agency that is responsible for the registration of businesses in Nigeria replaced forms with E-status reports.
As such, here is the list of names each of the former CAC forms is called:
- RC 1 for company registration,
- BN 1 for Business name registration,
- IT form 1 for Incorporated Trustees
Sample format for E-status report.

How can I retrieve my status report?
The CAC E-Status report can be retrieved if the previous one was lost.
It can be requested by the business or organization from the regulatory agency.