Incorporated Trustees registration requirements in Nigeria

NGO Registration in Nigeria: Cost and Required Documents


The cost of registering an NGO in Nigeria is between NGN120,000 to NGN150K, depending on the agent that handles the registration for you. In a case where you get the time and have a perfect understanding of the process, you would spend less.

If you are planning to register a Non-Governmental Organization in Nigeria, your first stop should be the CAC portal to check for the availability of the proposed name, then reserve a name that has not been taken.

Second, upload relevant registration documents – also known as CAC-IT01 – after completing the pre-registration form and finally pay the filing fee.


It is important to mention that NGO falls under the Incorporated Trustee (IT) according to Company and Allied Matters Act, 2020 (CAMA 2020).

The process described above may not always be easy as stated, you might need the service of a CAC agent or a barrister to handle the process for you, that’s why we put this guide together to ease the process.

Here is a comprehensive guide on NGO registration in Nigeria and how to meet the requirements to operate legally in Nigeria.

We’ll dissect the entire process for simplicity purposes in order to handle the process by yourself in case you are under a very tight budget.

But the fact that you’re under a tight budget may lead to multiple rejections by the CAC team if you failed to follow the process as stipulated under CAMA

If you are using a third party like a certified CAC agent for the registration, you are definitely going to provide the below information to commence work on your request.

Organization’s Name

Under this section, you may be required to provide three unique names for your organization, NGO, foundation, and club among others.

The essence of providing three names is to have a wide range of options in case one isn’t available, others will be. It’s called the proposed name.

Specifically, Section 823 (1) of CAMA 2020 which focuses on the Incorporation of trustees of certain communities, bodies, and associations stated that:

Where two or more trustees are appointed by any community of persons bound together by custom, religion, kinship or nationality or by anybody or association of persons established for any religious, educational, literary, scientific, social, development, cultural, sporting or charitable purpose, they may, if so authorised by the community, body or association (in this Act referred to as “the association”) apply to the Commission in the manner provided for registration under this Act as a corporate body.

Details Of NGS

This is the area where some applicants get wrong. You must include details of the office address of the NGO or organisation and include an active email address.

Trustees Details

As stated in point number two, you clearly state the name and address of the trustees. This section must include the following:

  • Name of Trustee
  • Date of Birth
  • Contact Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Means of Identification
  • And the signature of trustees
  • Passport Photograph of Trustee

Chairman Of NGO

According to CAMA 2020, your application must clearly state who is appointed the chairman of the organization among the trustees.

Status Of NGO Secretary

At the same time, you state whether the secretary is also a trustee. In a situation whereby the secretary isn’t a member, you’re expected to state his or her details.

NGO Aims And Objectives

The aims and objectives of the organisation must align with the purpose for which it’s established. For instance, the aims of an NGO that is centred on the importance of educating young girls may include making a community realise the importance of sending their girls to school.


If it’s an organisation, your constitution must clearly state how funds generated among members would be utilized.

Application For Registration

You must accompany your application with a written application for registration of the Incorporated Trustee which must be signed.

Newspapers Advertisement

It must include cuts of the original newspapers advertisement. Everything has gone digital, as such, you may request a digital copy of the page from the publishing newspaper organisation.

The newspaper must be well circulated in the location where the NGO or association is domiciled.

Minutes of Meeting

Application for registration of Incorporated Trustees requires a copy of the extract of the Minutes of Meeting where the trustees were appointed.

You must include the list of the members present and absent and show the voting pattern, signed by the Chairman and Secretary.

Don’t forget that these details must be on the official letterhead paper of the organisation.

Who Can Not Be Appointed As Trustee of an NGO

Section 826 (1) of CAMA 2020 clearly states the appointment of trustees. As such the following people are not qualified to be appointed or act as a trustee of an NGO:

  1. An infant
  2. Person of unsound mind
  3. Undischarged bankrupt
  4. A person who has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty within five years of his proposed appointment.

Want an agent?

There are people who might not want to pass through the hurdle of NGO registration in Nigeria, one of our accredited CAC agents is here to help, message us on WhatsApp

Cost of registering an NGO in Nigeria

The cost of registering an NGO in Nigeria is NGN120,000 at the time of this update. However, this price depends on who handles the registration process. Generally, the price is between NGN120K to NGN150,000. You can even spend less if you understand the registration process.

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