List of SWIFT Codes for Banks in Nigeria

You would need an 8-digit or 11-digit letter associated with your bank and its branch to receive or send money from abroad. It is called a SWIFT code. A sender would ask you for it.

While the swift codes of other banks in Nigeria are 8-digit e.g GTBINGLA for Guaranty Trust Bank or GTB in Nigeria (now Guaranty Trust Holding Company Plc), Kuda Bank’s swift code – KUDANGBA234 – is 11-digit, which is a combination of letters and numbers.

How to get your bank’s SWIFT code:

Most times, you can find this information online. It isn’t hidden information. Simply use a combination of your bank name and “swift code” and the code will pop up on Google search e.g “Sterling Bank Swift code”

Alternatively, if you want to be sure, you can get a swift code of your bank on their official website or send a message to them on their social media platform.

List of SWIFT codes for banks in Nigeria

Here is the comprehensive list of SWIFT codes for banks and financial institutions in Nigeria:

  1. Central Bank Of Nigeria ( CBN Abuja): CBNINGLG
  2. Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN Lagos): CBNINGLA
  3. CBN Financial Information Service: CBNINGLANGA
  4. Access Bank Plc: ABNGNGLA
  5. United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA): UNAFNGLA
  6. Fidelity Bank Plc: FIDTNGLA
  7. First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FBN): FBNINGLA
  8. Zenith Bank Plc: ZEIBNGLA
  9. Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB): GTBINGLA
  10. Union Bank of Nigeria Plc: UBNINGLA
  11. Hope Payment Service Bank (HOPE PSBANK): HPSBNGLA 
  12. Keystone Bank Limited: PLNINGLA
  13. Parallex Bank Ltd: PARANGLA
  14. Titan Trust Bank Limited: TTRUNGLA
  15. Unity Bank Plc: ICITNGLA
  16. Sterling Bank Plc: NAMENGLA
  17. Citibank Nigeria Limited: CITINGLA
  18. Optimus Bank Limited: OPTSNGLA
  19. Wema Bank Plc: WEMANGLA
  20. First City Monument Bank Limited (FCMB): FCMBNGLA
  21. Ecobank Nigeria: ECOCNGLA
  22. Heritage Bank Plc: HBCLNGLA
  23. Polaris Bank Limited (Formerly Skye Bank): PRDTNGLA
  24. Premium Trust Bank: PTRUNGLA
  25. Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc: SBICNGLX
  26. Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited: SCBLNGLA
  27. Providus Bank Limited: UMPLNGLA
  28. Jaiz Bank Plc: JAIZNGLA
  29. Globus Bank Limited: GLOUNGLA
  30. SunTrust Bank Nigeria Limited: SUTGNGLA
  31. TAJBank Limited: TAJJNGLA
  32. Nova Merchant Bank: NVMBNGLA
  33. Rand Merchant Bank: FIRNNGLA
  34. Signature Bank Limited: SNIGNGLA
  35. FBNQuest Merchant Bank: KDHLNGLA
  36. FSDH Merchant Bank: FSDHNGLA
  37. Coronation Merchant Bank: CMBBNGLA
  38. African Export-Import Bank: AFXMNGLA
  39. Lotus Bank: LOTUNGLA
  40. Kuda Bank: KUDANGBA234 is to receive payment from Payoneer
  41. GREENWICH Merchant Bank Limited: GMBLNGLA

Other institutions

Other institutions that engage in global financial transactions, such as NNPC Limited or securities firms like Chapel Hill Denham Securities, have assigned SWIFT codes. They are:

  1. 11 PLC (formerly Mobil Nigeria Oil Plc): MOOGNGL1
  2. 9 Payment Service Bank Limited: IPSBNGLA
  3. ABSA Securities Nigeria Limited: ASNINGL2
  4. Moneymaster Payment Service Bank Limited: MMPSNGL
  5. British American Tobacco (Nigeria) Ltd: BATSNG21
  6. Africa Finance Corporation: AFFCNGLA
  7. Asset Management Corporation Of Nigeria: AMNGNGLA
  8. Bank Of Industry Limited: NIDBNGL1
  9. Chapel Hill Denham Securities Limited: CHDENGL1
  10. CSL Stockbrokers Limited: CSSKNGL1
  11. DEUTSCHE Bank Representative Office Nigeria Limited: NIGINGL1
  12. EFG Hermes Nigeria Limited: EFHNNGL1
  14. FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited: FMDQNGLA
  15. INDORAMA Eleme Fertilizer And Chemicals Limited: IEFCNGL1
  16. INDORAMA Eleme Petrochemicals Limited: INLHNGL1
  17. Nigerian Exchange Group: XNSANGL1
  18. Nigeria Lng Limited: NLNGNGLP
  19. Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited: NNPCNGLA
  20. Renaissance Securities (Nigeria) Limited (Renaissance Capital): REECNGL1
  21. Samsung Electronics West Africa Limited (Lagos): SECTNGL1
  22. Venture Garden Nigeria Limited: VEGNNGLA
  23. Zenith Pensions Custodian Limited: ZEPCNGLA

Difference Between Headquarters and Branch SWIFT Codes

The branch SWIFT codes are slightly different from the headquarters, with the addition of three numbers at the end of the headquarters’ SWIFT code.

For instance, the UBA’s SWIFT code for the Enugu Branch office is UNAFNGLA084 while its UGBOWO BRANCH is UNAFNGLA117.

As for Zenith Bank, its Abuja Branch office SWIFT code is ZEIBNGLA013 while ZEIBNGLA is for the headquarters of the bank, which is located in Victorial Island, Lagos.