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Quickest Way To Get Titan Trust Bank Loan And Eligibility Requirements

Last updated on August 6th, 2023 at 06:35 am


Looking for a credit facility for your business? We’ve got you covered with Titan Trust Bank loan, how to apply and the required documents you need to ensure your application receives expedient attention.

The bank might sound extremely new to hundreds of Nigerians, most especially for those who have not been following the banking industry closely.

Is Titan Trust Bank licenced in Nigeria?

In 2019, Titan Trust Bank obtained an operating licence from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and other licences required of a business in Nigeria.


As we write, it is the newest commercial bank in Nigeria headquartered at Plot 1680 Sanusi Fafunwa Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

With its seasoned bankers and individuals with years of experience in the financial sector, Titan Trust has the capacity to compete with Nigeria’s long-standing banks with its innovative tech and digital solutions.

So, how can you get a credit facility from Titan Trust Bank?

Types of funding available at Titan Trust Bank

The bank offers several financial products, they include:

  • Business loan
  • SME loan
  • Personal loan
  • Titan Fee advance
  • Consumer loan products
  • Business overdrafts
  • Salary advance
  • Foreign exchange services

Quickest way to get loan approval from Titan Trust Bank

Just like every other financial institution around the World, the quickest way to get loan approval from Titan Trust Bank is to have a viable business PLUS meeting other funding requirements.

  • Regular cash flow
  • A registered business certified by CAC
  • Corporate bank account
  • Proof of turnover
  • Active customer of the bank
  • Been in business for 12 months or more
  • Good credit history
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The above points determine how much money Titan will likely be able to lend to you. For instance, an active customer with a good credit report gets faster loan approval than a non-customer


Private individuals and unregistered businesses can also seek consumer loan products like salary advances.

Required documents:

To get approval for a credit facility from the Titan Trust Bank for your business, you need to have the following documents:

  • Business plan (Check our sample of SME business plan)
  • Cash flow budget
  • Company profile
  • Bank statements (12 months)
  • Audited financial accounts
  • Certificate of Incorporation (CAC)
  • Valid means of identification (driving license, passport, voters card)
  • Proof of address
  • Details of collateral offered (if any)
  • Completed application form


The category of loan determines the documents that would be required. For instance, someone who is applying for a salary advance doesn’t need much paperwork. Your Bank Verification Number (BVN) may be the only thing you need.


  • FGN Bonds,
  • FGN Eurobonds,
  • FGN Treasury Bills and others that fall under Obligations of the Federal Government of Nigeria
  • Obligations of state governments
  • Other non-government debt instruments
  • Physical assets e.g. real property
  • Third party guarantors

How to apply for a Titan Trust Bank SME loan

It’s time to submit your SME loan application. Visit the nearest branch to you to make inquiries or call customer support.

Kindly read the terms of the loan and make sure sure you understand every sentence before appending your signature.

Avoid giving false information or incoherent data. The Titan Trust Bank has all tools in place to detect any kind of false information

Also Read:  7 Easy Steps To Apply For Mortgage Loans Under The National Social Housing Programme

Use the loan for the purpose it’s meant it’s very important.

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