When do babies dick most during the Day or at Night? A prospective mother may be wondering when exactly she will be experiencing baby kicks when she’s in-state.

It’s normal to be anxious about the baby kicks particularly for the primigravida (a woman in her first pregnancy).
The fact is: Everyone is different, so also the fetus in the womb and after they’re born. When fetus enters trimester it’s possible to notice change in its behaviour.
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During pregnancy my wife and I chatted most at night. I was wondering that time should be her sleeping time, “your baby won’t allow me sleep,” she said.
She later noticed our baby kicked most at night than during the day. It’s fun when she explained how she felt when our baby moved.
During the day too, particularly when I came back from office, my baby would kick upon hearing my voice or a kiss on her mum’s Tommy would make her kick.
On a mission to find out the amazing facts about baby kicks and movement during pregnancy, I asked Mrs. Fakokunde, a mother and a registered anaesthetic nurse at the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Osogbo branch.
“Movement of fetuses depend because they move from time to time. They’re active when mothers are active too.
“Activities of baby depend on the activities of her mother, “For a mother, who urinates frequently at night especially during last trimester, the baby wakes up too and the only way mother notices baby is awake is through her movement.
“They rest when the mother rest, they’re stressed when the mother is, they hear from the womb,” she said.
So when is the normal time for babies to kick, better still, what should a pregnant woman consider as normal fetal movements?
LiveStrong.com quoted Psychology Today as saying, “At seven mothers’ gestation, your baby is dozing or sleeping up to 95 per cent of the time.
Psychology Today indicates that fetuses will move at least 50 times per hour.
It concludes that baby’s pattern can change from day to day, particularly when mothers get closer to due Expected Date of Delivery (EDD), the more likely he’s to fall into his own unique routine.
Corroborating the submission of livestrong, a mother and registered and pediatric nurse at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTCH), Nurse C.O. Oni says, “Mothers notice their babies’ movements more at night because they’re at rest, they’re not engaged, they’re not doing anything.
“They rarely feel baby’s movements during the day because they’re engaged, they’re busy with a lot of activities.
“In fact fetuses move more during the day than night. When her mother is working, she reacts and responds to whatever activities the mother does and that attest to the fact that babies move more often in the day than they do at night because the mother is more engaged in the day,” Nurse Oni concludes.
According to her, the mother’s activity during the day might not make her notice the baby kicks.
“You might not feel every blink of, hiccup and reach of his hand if you’re preoccupied. You might only notice his forceful kicks when something really gets a rise out of him,” LiveStrong says.
So, when do baby kick most?
According to Nurse Oni of OAUTCH, Nurse of Fakokunde of LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, and LiveStrong baby kicks most in the day as a result of the activities of the mother.

However, “some babies are just more active at night,” The American Pregnancy Association says.
LiveStrong believes that it’s possible that during the day, when mother is on the go, she’s not aware of her baby’s movements as she’s in the evenings and nighttimes.
If you feel your baby doesn’t kick as you expected as a result of sound sleep at night, then you might want to try out some tricks to make him kick.
You want to make your baby kick? Let’s first check out this infographic by positivehealthwellness.com
12 Point Checklist for a Smooth Pregnancy and Healthy Baby
Please include attribution to Positive Health Wellness with this graphic.
12 Proven Tricks to Make Babies Kick
Whether day or night, you can apply these 12 medically safe tactics to make your baby kick. A baby might kick as a result of any of the following reasons:
1) If you wake up often in the night to ease yourself, then your baby will have cause to move too because she reacts to everything you do.
2) Drink an icy cold glass of water to wake him up, according to Pregnancy Guide, could spur the baby to kick not just in the night, but also in the day.
3) Whenever music played, my wife called my attention to see my baby move while she’s in there. So, music makes baby kick.
4) Another way to make your baby kick is through palpation (a method of clinical examination using gentle pressure of the fingers to detect growths, changes in the size of underlying organs, and unusual tissue reactions to pressure).
Nurse Fakokunde recommends this method to someone who is interested in causing artificial movement of the baby.
5) Unusual or terrific sound could make baby to move. Scary sound or noise isn’t the best, a nurse says. Also, any unexpected bang on the door could cause fetal movement.
6) Often times, baby responds to kisses. I tried kissing method it’s fun. Work makes me stays away from home for two to three days and it’s a tradition to hug my wife and kiss her tommy upon return from work.
Whenever I did this she responded by moving as well. “She’s saying you’re welcome,” my wife would jokingly say. But the fact is: Baby hears us.
7) According to Pregnancy Guides, change of position could make baby to kick, “especially lying on back or belly briefly.”
8) Eating something sweet could also effect baby kicks.
9) Your baby might just move naturally in the night considering the mother’s inactivity. The baby who kicked during the day because of his mum’s activity might want to kick as a check on what has caused the sudden change in her mum’s activity at night.
10) “Fetuses can also respond to sound by about seven moths’ gestation and express a preference for their mother’s voice,” says LiveStrong.
11) Another way I felt my baby kick was by holding ice block and instantly touching by wife’s belly with my cold palm, the baby would react to it by kicking. This is one of the ways to feel baby kick from outside.
12) Eating something sweet could also trigger baby kicks, “If it’s something with a strong taste, your amniotic fluid will pick up that scent, and your baby might notice and react to that change, also,” Psychology Today was quoted saying in a research.
Active baby in the womb
An active baby in the womb, in relation to my experience as a father who felt it, is a baby who responds to sound.
An active baby is who react to voices, what her mum does, and other phenomenon in her environment.
More often, a baby reacts to what her mum reacts to.
What do baby movements mean to you?
When you feel your baby isn’t moving the way you expected him to, then it’s important you discuss your worry with your gynecologist in your next antenatal visit.
Lemme know your thoughts about this as a mother or a father who felt their baby kicks. Drop your comments here.