Postal Codes in Nigeria infomediang

Anambra State Postal Codes

Last updated on December 14th, 2022 at 10:07 am


In this post, we will segment Anambra State Postal Codes using the 21 local government areas and several other urban locations in the state.

Anambra State postal codes by LGA and Urban Location

Just like we’ve said in one of our posts, no state uses a unified 6-digit number as its postal codes (ZIP Codes) in Nigeria.


A specific code is allocated to an area by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST) for easy identification of parcel from within or outside the country.

Anambra State consists of twenty-one (21) Local Government Areas. You can find them below or check our previous article on the history of Anambra State.


If you’re filling any online form which requires ZIP code, simply use postal codes as both terms are used for the same purpose. We’ve written about the difference between Postal and ZIP codes earlier.


If you can’t find the postal codes for your street or or village on this list, use the postal code of your district or nearby locations. This is because some villages are under s district.

Aguta LGA

Anambra State postal codes in Aguta council areas using urban location in the LGA are:

  • Achina: 422120
  • Agulueze-Chukwu: 422113
  • Akpu: 423199
  • Amesi: 422122
  • Ekwulobia: 422111
  • Ezinifite: 435109
  • Igbo-Ukwu: 422117
  • Ikenga: 422116
  • Usofia: 422112
  • Nkpologwu: 422114
  • Ora-Eri: 422118
  • Uga: 422124
  • Umuchu: 422123

Anambra State Postal Codes in Awka North LGA

  • Achalla: 420116
  • Amansea: 420111
  • Amanuke: 420115
  • Ebenebe: 420117
  • Isu-Aniocha: 420112
  • Mgbakwu: 420113
  • Ugbene : 420119
  • Ugbuenu: 420118
  • Ukum: 420114
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Orumba South LGA

  • Eziagu : 423106
  • Ezira: 423105
  • Ihite: 423102
  • Isulo: 423110
  • Nawfija: 423115
  • Ndiok-Paleze: 423109
  • Nkereh: 423113
  • Ogboji: 423114
  • Ogbunka: 423111
  • Onneh: 423104
  • Owerre-Ezukala: 423112
  • Umunze: 423101
  • Umuomaku: 423103

Njikoka LGA

  • Abagana: 421101
  • Abba : 421103
  • Enugwu-Agidi: 421104
  • Enugwu-Ukwu: 421106
  • Nawfia: 421105
  • Nimo: 421102
  • Nnewi North LGA postal code: 435101

Note: All the four towns within Nnewi North use 435101 as their postal code.

Oyi postal code

  • Agbunike: 433107
  • Awkuzu: 433103
  • Nkwelle: 433106
  • Nteje: 433101
  • Umuneba: 433102
  • Umunya: 433104

Awka South LGA

  • Amawbia: 420108
  • Uwka-Ifite: 420110
  • Ezinato: 420102
  • Isiagu: 420103
  • Mbaukwu: 420105
  • Nibo: 420107
  • Nise : 420106
  • Okpuno: 420109
  • Umuawulu: 420104
  • Anambra State Postal Codes in Anaocha Council Area
  • Adazi-Ani: 422103
  • Adazi-Enu : 422106
  • Adazi-Nnukwu: 422104
  • Agulu: 422102
  • Agulu-Izoigbo: 422109
  • Akwaeze: 433107
  • Ichida: 422108
  • Neni: 422101
  • Nri: 422110
  • Obeledu: 422105

Ayamelum LGA

  • Anaku: 433109
  • Ifite Ogwari: 433113
  • Igbakwu: 433112
  • Omasi: 433114
  • Omor: 433109
  • Umueji: 433115
  • Umuerum : 433108
  • Umumbo: 433111

Dunukofia LGA

  • Ifite-Ukpo: 421108
  • Nawgu: 421111
  • Ukpo: 421107
  • Ukwulu: 421112
  • Umudioka town: 421109
  • Umunachi : 421110

Ekwusigo LGA

  • Ichi: 435114
  • Ihembosi: 435115
  • Oraifite: 435113
  • Ozubulu : 435112

Idemlili North LGA

  • Oraukwu: 434110
  • Uke: 434108
  • Umuoji: 434103
  • Abacha: 434106
  • Abatete: 434107
  • Oziowelle: 434105
  • Ideani: 434109
  • Nkpor: 434102
  • Obosi (rural): 434104
  • Ogidi (rural): 434101

Anambra State Postal Codes in Idemlili South LGA

  • Akwa-Etiti: 434117
  • Akwu: 434113
  • Alor: 434114
  • Nnobi: 434116
  • Nnokwa: 434115
  • Oba: 434112
  • Ojoto: 434111

Anambra East LGA

  • Aguleri: 432103
  • Eziagulu: 432102
  • Igbariam: 432106
  • Nando: 432107
  • Otuocha: 432101
  • Umuleri: 432104

Anambra West LGA

  • Enug-Out: 432110
  • Ezianam: 432113
  • Ifite Anam: 432112
  • Nzam: 432114
  • Olumbanasa: 432115
  • Oroma Etiti: 432109
  • Umuen-Welum : 432111

Ihiala LGA

Anambra postal codes for Ihiala LGA are:

  • Amorka: 431125
  • Azia: 431119
  • Ihiala town: 431116
  • Isseke: 431120
  • Mbosi: 431117
  • Okija:  431121
  • Osumoghu: 431123
  • Ubulusiozor: 431118
  • Uli: 431124
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Nnewi South postal code

  • Akwaihedi: 435111
  • Amichi: 435105
  • Azigbo: 435102
  • Ebenator: 435104
  • Ekwulu-Mili: 435110
  • Ezinifite: 435109
  • Osumenyi: 435108
  • Ukpor: 435106
  • Unubi: 435113
  • Utuh: 435105

Onitsha North and South postal codes

Bleow postal codes can be used by the people within Onitsha North and South Local Government Area:

  • Three Three I: 430213
  • GRA  II: 430273
  • Ogidi: 434234
  • Awka Road: 430231
  • Umuota: 434242
  • Obompa : 430232
  • Umuota: 434242
  • Uper Iweka: 430233
  • Ejikeme Quarters: 434243
  • Onyeabo Street: 430234
  • Omagba Layout Phase I & II: 430235
  • Akuzor Village: 432214
  • Iweka Road: 430251
  • Nkpor New Market: 434212
  • Zik A: 430252
  • Agulu: A: 434213
  • Niger Bridge Head Road: 430254
  • Oguta Road: 430261
  • Odume Layout II: 434221
  • New Market Road: 430262
  • Odume Layout I: 434222
  • Ose I: 430263
  • Akuzor Road: 434223
  • Odoakpu: 430264
  • Ububa: 434224
  • Ose II: 430271
  • Uruowulu Village: 434231
  • Amafor: 434232
  • GRA I: 430272
  • Umusiome Ibo: 434233

Orumba North

  • Ajalli: 423120
  • Akpu: 423199
  • Amaokpala: 423123
  • Ameatiti: 423116
  • Awa: 423129
  • Awgbu: 423128
  • Nanka: 423125
  • Ndikeli-Onwu: 423126
  • Ndiokolo: 423117
  • Ndiokpala: 423118
  • Ndiowu: 423122
  • Ndiu-Kwuenu: 423131
  • Oko: 423121
  • Okpoeze: 423130
  • Omogho: 423127
  • Ufuma: 423124

Ogbaru South LGA postal codes in Anambra State

  • Umunan-Kwo: 431109
  • Akili Ogidi: 431114
  • Amiyi: 431105
  • Atani: 431101
  • Mputu: 431110
  • Obea-Gwe: 431112
  • Ochuche:  431103
  • Odekpe: 431104
  • Ogba-Kuba: 431108
  • Ogu-Aniocha: 431113
  • Ogwu-Ikpele : 431115
  • Okoili-Ozizor: 431107
  • Oshita: 431102
  • Osso-Mala: 431111
  • Umu-Uzu: 431106
  • Umunan-Kwo: 431109

Let us know if you have any problem in identifying the postal or ZIP code for your location.

Take away video: Driving Around Anambra State

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