How to Change Facebook Password on PC | Facebook Password Reset on Smartphone


Facebook’s September 28, 2018 announcement that its network was under attack has left some of its users asking: How Do I Change My Password On Facebook.”

In this guide, we’ll show you how to reset your Facebook Password both on phone and laptop computers.

Facebook Latest Data Breach


Facebook is undergoing a serious clean up after a major security breach, which put more than 50 million account at risk, Mark Zukerberg’s account was also affected according to the latest report.

If the account of founder of Facebook is affected then you need to take action right away by changing password of your Facebook account.

We understand that accounts of millionaires and billionaires are the target in cases like this and that’s gradually playing out.

According to Facebook, no account was compromised, but could be if measures were not taken by the largest social media platform.

Do I need to change my Facebook password?

Why some experts say you don’t really need to change your password, considering the fact that Facebook uses access tokens.

And that’s why Facebook logged out every user from their account, saying it reset the access tokens of all users affected.

That means some 90 million users will have been logged out of their account — either on their phone or computer — in the past day. This also includes users on Facebook Messenger.

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But you can still go ahead to reset your password on your PC or phone, this is how to get that done.

How to check if your Facebook account accessed?

  • Log into your Facebook account
  • Go to your account’s security and login page, which lets you see where you’ve logged in.
  • If you had your access tokens revoked and had to log in again
  • You should see only the devices that you logged back in with.

How to change your Facebook Password on a laptop computer

  • Login to your Facebook account
  • On the top right corner of of your screen, tap on the quick help buttonHow to Change Facebook Password on PC
  • Scroll down and select privacy shortcut
  • Scroll down to “Account security” (Update your personal information, Change your password, Get alerts about unrecognized logins, and Use two-factor authentication)How to Change Facebook Password on laptop
  • Click Change password. And scroll down to Change password
  • Enter your present password, the new one you’re adopting, repeat it
  • Click on Save changes. If you like you can select “review other devices” to automatically log out on other devices you’ve used to access your account in the past.How to reset Facebook Password on PC

That’s how to change your Facebook password on Laptop or desktop

How to Reset your Facebook Password on a phone

To reset your Facebook Password on a phone through a browser, click setting and follow the photo shots below to get that done.Reset your Facebook Password on a phone

How to Reset your Facebook Password on a phoneWrapping Up:

You shouldn’t wait still there is vulnerability before you change your password on a platform like Facebook. You could change your password once in six months.

We hope this guide on how to reset your Facebook password is helpful.

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