Kansas City in United States is the best city in the world to work remotely

10 Best Cities in the World to Work Remotely: Kansas City is No. 1


Wyandotte County seat, Kansas City (KC) is the best city in the world to work remotely following the adjustment that followed work scheduled after the 2020 pandemic that forced employers to devise means of keeping up with business operations.

According to Icelandair survey, the U.S barbecue capital ranks No. 1 ahead of Austria’s city Vienna, Wellington, Copenhagen, Edinburg, and Victoria, based on more than 10 factors.

Some of the factors deployed by the group of travel experts include climate index, safety, air pollution, health care, internet speed, cost of living, and quality of life among others.


The March 2020 lockdown across the world changed the way we work, thereby forcing hundreds of businesses to adopt the work-from-home model as against the conventional corporate offices.

According to the report, almost 60 per cent of employees said they would prefer a fully remote role model while 39 per cent prefer a hybrid working model.

In the overall rating, Kansas City, which has over a hundred barbecue restaurants across the city and the largest concentration of barbecue centres in the United States performed excellently well in the factors used by the travel researchers.

However, Kansas City is one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. You have to abide by the security advisory in the city.

Apart from being a conducive city for travellers who are searching for locations where quality of life is top-notch, KC is also a great city for relations when you are off work.

Home to more than 10 tourist attractions including Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Arabia Steamboat Museum, Science City, and Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art among others, Kansas City has all it takes to make one remote work memorable.

“Combining work and travel is a fantastic way to make the most of remote working and prioritize your mental and physical health at the same time.”

Icelandair report

Austria’s capital city ranks number two on the global list while it is the best city to work remotely in Europe among the 15 cities across European countries.

In what the team of researchers called, “The World’s Best Destinations for a Wellness Workcation”, New Zealand’s capital city Wellington is ranked No. 3 followed by Copenhagen (Denmark) and Edinburg in the United Kingdom.

Four cities in the United States – KC (1st), Cleveland (13th), San Diego (14th), and Jacksonville (19th) – made the top 20 list. While cities of Edinburg and Bristol (17th) in the United Kingdom were rated as one the cities to travel to and work remotely.

Below is the list of the top 10 best cities on earth to travel to and work remotely:

1Kansas CityUnited States
3WellingtonNew Zealand
5EdinburgUnited Kingdom

No doubt, remote work has eliminated some challenges associated with the conventional corporate office work, which include:

1) Makes it possible for employees to travel around and get their job done whenever they are

2) It has eliminated the stress of hurrying to the office every day.

3) It enables employees to avoid the hustle and bustle that is associated with busy cities

4) It also created a flexible schedule 


If you’re looking for the best destinations to work remotely, Kansas City, Vienna, Wellington, Copenhagen, and Edinburg should be on top of your list.

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