List of 39 acquisitions by Mark Zukerberg

Last updated on April 10th, 2023 at 06:52 am


List of 39 acquisitions by Mark Zukerberg

Mark Zukerberg is one of the most social media influential persons in the world and one of the richest people globally.

His exploit in social media has made him to be a voice in business world. He has not only used facebook as a social media platform, but using as it a money-making platform.


Because of the acceptance of facebook all over the world, corporate bodies presence on the web is incomplete without a page on Facebook.

Today, facebook Ads compete favourably with Google Ads, which once dominated the internet advertisements.

Google now advertises on Facebook.

The interesting aspect of Mark is that Facebook isn’t the only firm he owns; he owns close to 40 others out there. But facebook is dominant.

If you’ve been wondering what other Mark Zukerberg’s acquisitions could be, here is the list of other companies acquired and owned by Mark Zukerberg.

Facebook-August 23, 2005

Parakey-July 19, 2007

ConnectU-June 23 2008

FriendFeed-August 10, 2009

Octazen-February 19, 2010

Divvyshot-March 2, 2010

Friendster patents-May 13, 2010

ShareGrove-May 26, 2010

Nextstop-July 8, 2010

Chai Labs-August 15, 2010

Hot Potato-August 20, 2010 29, 2010 domain name-November 15, 2010

Rel8tion-January 25, 2011

Beluga-March 2, 2011

Snapu-March 20, 2011

RecRec-March 24, 2011

DayTum-April 27, 2011

Sofa-June 9, 2011

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MailRank-June 9, 2011

Push Pop Press-August 2, 2011 10, 2011

Strobe-November 8, 2011

Gowalla-December 2, 2011

Caffeinatedmind-February 20, 2012

Instagram-April 9, 2012

Tagline-April 13, 2012

Glancee-May 5, 2012 15, 2012

Karma-May 21, 2012 18, 2012

Spool-June 14, 2012

Acrylic Software-July 20, 2012

Threadsy-August 24, 2012

Atlas-February 28, 2013

Osmeta-March 2013

Hot studio-March 14, 2013

Spacepot-April 23, 2013

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