How Can Paraphrasing Help a Student Become a Better Academic Writer?

Last day of the week and you have some amazing plans for the weekend but suddenly the teacher assigned a hectic assignment with Monday on the deadline. You can’t surely miss the weekend plans but the assignment is important as well. You can’t submit a bad one because you have some credibility and good repo that you can’t destroy. A tricky mission to accomplish!

Well, there’s a will there’s a way. Paraphrasing always serves the students stuck in such situations. You can use anyone else’s work by paraphrasing it and there won’t be any plagiarism in that and so there won’t be any chance of rejection. Credibility will stay alive and you will get better grades as well.

There are two ways to paraphrase:

1) Manual Paraphrasing

Manual paraphrasing is like rewording or saying the same thing in a different way with different words and sentences.

You can get anyone else’s work and paraphrase it line by line and complete your assignment on time. Manual paraphrasing is a time-taking task but still, it’s saving half of the time that you had to invest in research.

2) Paraphrasing Using Online Tools

The smartest way of paraphrasing is using an online AI-based paraphrasing tool. Conventional paraphrasers may not help anymore because that output is detected instantly due to lack of fluency and improper usage of words.

So you will have to find the best online paraphrasing tool with AI so that when you paraphrase using that tool, it will be readable with adequate fluency.

Paraphrasing Helps Students to Be Better Writers

Writing is not everyone’s cup of tea but if you play smart and learn how to use tools smartly, you can be a better writer.

Paraphrasing online is a good way to improve your academic writing. How it can help, we will discuss in detail here:

1) Paraphrasing Improves Sentence Structure

Paraphrasing can help in improving sentence structure. Obviously, I’m talking about paraphrasing with the help of tools. Online paraphrasing tools can rephrase a sentence with better clarity and better sentence structure.

If your writing skills are basic where you use only basic and dull sentences, your writing will be boring due to monotonous sentences.

Paraphraser can reformulate sentence structure in a creative or more fluent way. Your writing will be better and you will impress your teachers with your writing skills.

If you will keep using this paraphrasing technique, you will soon formulate how the tool restructures a sentence, and then it will be easy for you to do it even manually.

2) Improved Vocabulary and Better Choice of Words

Having a low set of vocabulary? Yeah, that can be a problem because the low set of vocabulary can result in repetitive use of words which will bring monotony or dullness in your writing.

During studies, it’s really hard to find time to improve your vocabulary because you always have limited time.

When you use a paraphraser to reformulate sentences or the whole assignment, the tool will suggest you most suitable words that you never thought of.

Your word choice will improve automatically and usage of new words will also improve your vocabulary set. Soon you will be beating the native English speakers with your high vocabulary set.

3) Brings Uniqueness and Creativity to Writing

Paraphrasing is saying the same thing in a different or unique way. This technique is best to bring uniqueness to your writing if you do blogging or essay writing.

When you use a paraphrasing tool, it reformulates and gives you content that is not just unique but creative as well.

Each time you will come up with a different style and that will definitely impress your teachers and other fellow students.

You will gain credibility because every submitted assignment will be unique, creative, and better than the previous one.

4) Avoids Plagiarism

It’s merely an extension of the previous plus point. When you will bring uniqueness to your writing, you will automatically be avoiding plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious crime in academic life. It can simply destroy your career and that would be a regret you won’t forget for life.

Avoiding plagiarism is simple if you are paraphrasing. Paraphrasers reformulate sentences in a way that is unique and no more plagiarized.

If you have paraphrased manually, you must check your work before submitting it. If the plagiarism checker detects any plagiarism in your writing, reformulate it using a paraphrasing tool and the plagiarism will be removed from your writing.

5) Brings Grammatical Perfection

As an AI-based paraphrasing tool uses NLP (natural language processing), it has all the set of grammar rules and it follows those rules while paraphrasing the given text. So if you had grammatical issues in your writing, paraphrasing can correct it to perfection.

You can use a paraphraser even if you are writing or paraphrasing manually. It will help in removing grammatical errors from your writing and your writing will improve definitely.

Final Words

Better writing skills during your college or university life can be a plus. It can help you in achieving not just good grades but respect and credibility among the teachers and fellow students as well.

Paraphrasing, especially paraphrasing using AI-based tools can help students improve their writing skills without investing much time. Their word choice, sentence structure, grammar, and creativity will improve considerably.

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