How Profitable Is Plantain Farming Business in Nigeria? A 8-Step Guide

Nigeria is one of the world’s leading producers of plantains in the World. While many people may not really want to take up plantain farming cultivation as a business, it is one of the most lucrative farming businesses.

Unlike cassava farming which could be more tedious and requires attention, the plantain farming business is more lucrative and it is more rugged.

Factors to consider for plantain farming business

When selecting a location for your plantain farm, you should consider factors such as:

Climate: Plantains require warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight to grow well. The ideal temperature for plantains is between 75-90°F (24-32°C).

They thrive in tropical and subtropical regions and prefer high humidity. Plantains need well-drained, nutrient-rich soil that is slightly acidic with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

Watering: They require regular watering, with about 1-2 inches of water per week.

Fertilizer: Plantains also need adequate amounts of fertilizer to ensure optimal growth and access to markets.

This step-by-step guide is what you need to start a plantain farming business, it will also show you how much you can make from it in a year.

1) Choose an Area for Plantain Farming

You need a large area of land to start a plantain farming business to get the best profits from your effort. Here are some strategic steps to get land for your plantain biz.

Connect with local farmers:

Do this by asking questions about the local climate, soil conditions, and other factors that may impact your plantain farming.

Contact local government offices:

Local government offices can provide information about available land for farming. They may also have contacts for land owners who are willing to rent or sell land.

Use online resources:

There are online resources that can help you find land for farming.

Negotiate terms:

Once you have found a suitable piece of land, negotiate terms with the owner. This includes:

  • rent,
  • purchase price,
  • maintenance, and other conditions that may be applicable.

2) Choose Plantain Varieties

There are various varieties of plantains available in Nigeria, and they can be divided into two main categories:

  • sweet and
  • cooking plantains.

Sweet plantains

Sweet plantains are typically used in desserts or snacks

Cooking plantains

cooking plantains are used in savory dishes.

Select varieties that are best suited for your climate and soil type some of the commons one are listed below:

3) Prepare the Land

You need to prepare the land for planting. This involves clearing the area of weeds, stones, and debris. You should also test the soil for pH levels and fertility.

If necessary, you can add fertilizer or compost to improve the soil quality.

4) Planting

Start planting the plantain suckers. Plantain suckers are small shoots that are planted in holes about 15-20 cm deep.

Make sure to leave enough space between the plantains for proper growth.

5) Water and Fertilize

After planting, you need to provide the plantains with adequate water and fertilizer. Water the plants regularly, especially during dry spells.

Additionally, you should apply organic fertilizer twice a month to ensure that the plants have the necessary nutrients for growth.

7) Harvest the plantains

When the plantains are ripe, it is time to harvest them. In Nigeria, plantains typically take between 10-12 months to mature after planting.

Plantains typically require a long growing season in order to reach maturity, so they are usually planted in the late rainy season or early dry season.

Once planted, the plantains will take several months to reach full maturity and can then be harvested.

8) Market the Plantains

Finally, you need to find a market for your plantains. You can sell them directly to consumers or to wholesalers who can then distribute them to retailers.

You should also consider ways to add value to your plantains, such as by processing them into chips or flour.

Common disease of plantain in Nigeria

Pests and diseases can cause significant damage to your plantain cultivation, so it is important to take steps to mitigate these.

This can include removing weeds, applying pesticides, and using traps to catch pests. Additionally, you should inspect the plants regularly and treat any affected ones immediately.

Peculiar plantain diseases are:

Fusarium Wilt:

This is a fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum, which can cause significant damage to plantain plantations in Nigeria.

Bacterial Wilt:

This is a bacterial disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, which is spread through infected soil or water and can cause wilting and death of plantain plants.

Black Sigatoka:

This is a fungal disease caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis, which can cause yellowing and spotting of leaves as well as premature ripening of plantains.

Mosaic Disease:

This is a viral disease caused by different viruses, which can cause yellowing, mottling, and distortion of the leaves of plantains.

Root Rot:

This is a fungal disease caused by Pythium spp., which can cause stunting, wilting, and death of plantains.

Diseases Prevention methods

Implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program:

IPM combines biological, cultural and chemical practices to manage pests and diseases on a plantain farm.

Biological control methods such as releasing beneficial insects, using trap crops and planting pest-resistant varieties can help reduce pest infestations.

Use crop rotation:

Rotating crops can help reduce the spread of soil-borne diseases and reduce pest populations.

Practice good sanitation:

Keeping the farm clean and free from debris can help reduce the spread of disease-causing pathogens.

Use resistant varieties:

Planting resistant varieties of plantain can help reduce the spread of pests and diseases.

Implement a weed control program:

Weeds can act as hosts for pests and diseases, so it is important to control them with herbicides or by hand-weeding.

Use certified seeds:

Planting disease-free certified seeds can help reduce the spread of pests and diseases.

Apply safe and effective pesticides:

When needed, use only pesticides that are labelled for use on plantain. Follow label instructions and take all necessary safety precautions.

What are the varieties of plantain in Nigeria?

There are several varieties of plantain that are grown in Nigeria. These include:

Ikokore Plantain:

This variety is commonly found in the Southern part of Nigeria, especially in the Delta region where it is mainly grown for commercial purposes. The fruits are round or oval in shape, yellow to brown in color and have a sweet taste.

Agbagba Plantain:

This variety is mainly grown in the Southwestern part of the country. It is small in size and has a sweet flavor.

Ededere Plantain:

This variety is mostly found in the central and northern parts of Nigeria. It is large in size and has a strong flavor.

Kabacha Plantain:

This variety is mainly found in the eastern and northern parts of Nigeria. It is small in size and has a sour taste.

Amufu Plantain:

This variety is mainly found in the eastern and southern parts of Nigeria. It is large in size and has a sweet taste.

Propagation methods of plantain in Nigeria

The most common methods used to propagate the crop include:

  • tissue culture,
  • suckers,
  • marcotting, and
  • seeds.

Tissue culture

Tissue culture is a process in which plant cells, tissues or organs are grown in a nutrient medium under aseptic conditions.

This method is used to produce a large number of uniform, disease-free plants. The process is expensive and requires technical expertise.


Suckers are the most common and economical method of propagating plantain in Nigeria. This method involves using the lateral shoots that grow from the base of the plantain stem, which can be removed and replanted in a suitable area

 The sucker should have at least one healthy bud and be free from disease or pests before it is planted.


Marcotting is another method used for propagating plantains. This involves taking a section of the plantain stem and wrapping it in a moist cloth.

After some time, the stem will begin to produce new shoots at the cut end, which can be transplanted to a new area.


Seeds are also used to propagate plantain in Nigeria, although this is a slow and unreliable method.

The seeds must be planted in a suitable area and given the right amount of water and sunlight to ensure good growth.

Note: Suckers and marcotting are the most popular methods, as they are simple, inexpensive, and often produce good results.

How profitable is the plantain farming business in Nigeria?

We earlier said that plantain farming is a lucrative business, now let’s give you a peep into how much you can make from an acre (or six plots of land) of plantain farm.

Projected expenses:

Here is the breakdown of projected expenses and Return on Investment from six plots of plantain farm for someone who already has a piece of land to use.

This expenditure is based on 500 suckers on an acre of land

Cost of sucker: NGN150 (you can discount for a larger quantity)

500 suckers × NGN150 = NGN75,000

Transportation= NGN10,000 (depending on location).

Cost of Planting= NGN50

NGN50 X 500 = NGN25,000

Maintenance cost= NGN25,000

Clearing of the plantain plantation till the harvesting period = NGN20,000

Miscellaneous = NGN15,000

Total cost: NGN145, 000

Projected profit:

This is where you will know that your effort is worth it, because you can make profits from plantain in two ways:

  1. Through the sales of suckers
  2. Through the sales of the fruits when it’s mature for harvesting

Sales of suckers

If properly taken care of, each sucker can reproduce at between five to seven suckers

What does this mean for you if you bought 500 suckers at the start of your plantain cultivation?

That’s simply 500 X 5 = 2,500 suckers for you to resell unless you want to expand your business.

In the above analysis, we put the cost of a sucker at NGN150, but because of this quantity, we might simply sell a sucker at NGN100

2,500 suckers X 100 = NGN250,000

Meaning you can make at least NGN250K from the sales of sucker alone.

Sales of plantain fruits

In Nigeria today, a bunch of plantains is between NGN1,500 to NGN2,500

In your first round of harvest that’s NGN1,500 X 500 = NGN750,00

Revenue minus total expenditure

NGN750,000 – NGN145,000 = NGN605, 000 profit.

This profit excludes the sales of suckers.


Plantain farming is an age-old business in Nigeria. Plantain farming is a profitable venture due to the increasing demand for fruit.

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