Screenshot shows the complete process of removing a beneficiary from moniepoint account

How to remove a beneficiary from your Moniepoint Account


It is important to only add your close family members or only those you constantly do business with on your list of beneficiary. It is not advisable to add a stranger.

In case you have designated accounts that you are no longer familiar with on your list, this INFOMEDIANG tutorial guides you through the process of deleting a beneficiary from your Moniepoint account:

Screenshot from moniepoint app on how to remove a beneficiary from your transfer list

Login to your account


From the menu, click on “More”

Click on settings from the list of options

Under “Business and Transactions”, click on beneficiaries to reveal the list of receivers you have added to your list of beneficiaries over time.

Under transfer, search for the beneficiary you want to remove

In front of the beneficiary, click on the box that looks like a recycling bin

A popup message, “Are you sure you want to remove…as a beneficiary

Click on “Remove”

You will see a confirmation message that the beneficiary has been removed.

You can perform a similar action on your list of beneficiaries under airtime

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