Bitcoin Price in July 2023

Last updated on July 2nd, 2024 at 09:47 am


Bitcoin price in July 2023 opened at $30,471.85, closing the month at $29,230.11, a slight drop from the previous month.

Here is the opening and closing price of Bitcoin from July 1 through July 31, 2023:

July 3129,278.3129,230.11
July 3029,357.0929,275.31
July 2929,319.4529,356.92
July 2829,212.1629,319.25
July 2729,353.8029,210.69
July 2629,225.7629,354.97
July 2529,178.9729,227.39
July 2430,081.6629,176.92
July 2329,790.1130,084.54
July 2229,908.7029,771.80
July 2129,805.1129,908.74
July 2029,915.2529,792.02
July 1929,862.0529,913.92
July 1830,147.0729,856.56
July 1730,249.6330,145.89
July 1630,297.4730,249.13
July 1530,331.7830,295.81
July 1431,474.7230,334.07
July 1330,387.4931,476.05
July 1230,622.2530,391.65
July 1130,417.6330,620.95
July 1030,172.4230,414.47
July 930,291.6130,171.23
July 830,346.9230,292.54
July 729,908.0030,342.27
July 630,507.1529,909.34
July 530,778.7230,514.17
July 431,156.8730,777.58
July 330,624.5231,156.44
July 230,587.2730,620.77
July 130,471.8530,590.08

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