What Is The Area Of Anambra State?

Last updated on September 13th, 2023 at 10:31 am


Anambra State sits on 4,887km² area, according to the Ministry of Lands, Survey, and Town Planning, making the “Light of the Nation” the second smallest state in Nigeria. It is also among the oil-producing states in Nigeria.

By geopolitical ranking, Anambra is the smallest state in the Southeast and one of the core Igbo-speaking people of Nigeria.

Map of Anambra State showing 21 local government areas

What are the Local Government Areas that makeup Anambra State?

There are 21 local government areas in Anambra State, and the Light of the Nation doesn’t exist in isolation.


Each of the 21 council areas in Anambra has land area that adds up to the 4,844km² land area of the state.

According to the Anambra State Ministry of Lands, Survey, and Town Planning, below is the list of all the local government areas in Anambra state and their land area plus the headquarters of the LGAs

 Council AreasLand AreaHeadquarters
2Awka South175km²Awka Town
3Awka North356km²Achalla Town
4Anambra West613km²Nzam
6Anambra East418km²Otuocha 
7Idemili North66 km²Ogidi 
10Dunukofia72km²Ukpo Town
12Idemili South145km²Ojoto 
13Ihiala310km²Ihiala Town
14Nnewi South176km²Ukpor Town
15Nnewi North128km²Nnewi town
17Onitsha South196km²Fegge Town
18Orumba North44km²Ajalli town
19Onitsha North305km²Onitsha Town
20Orumba South24km²Umunze Town

What is the biggest LGA in Anambra State?

Anambra West council area is the largest LGA in Anambra state with 613km² land area. 

What is the smallest LGA in Anambra State?

Orumba South council area is the smallest local government area in Anambra state with an area of 24km².

What are top 5 biggest council areas in Anambra?

Anambra West, Aguata, Ogbaru, Anambra East, and Awka North are the biggest council areas in Anambra.


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