Ranking U.S. States by Land Area

Last updated on December 19th, 2023 at 10:22 am


Alaska is the largest U.S. state by land area with 570,641 square miles or 1,477,953 square kilometers. That is not the only record the state is holding. It also holds the title of largest state by water area and total area.

Known for its world-class fishing and seafood, the State of Alaska occupies a 16.15% of the land area of the United States of America. The U.S. is sitting on 3,531,905 sq mi of land area.

To know how large The Last Frontier state’s land area is, the state is more than twice the size of Texas, the second U.S. state by land area which sits on 261,232 sq mi.


If that isn’t enough to make you look amazed at how large Alaska is, take a look at the size of Rhode Island which is 1,034 sq mi in comparison with Alaska. More than 551 land area of Rhode Island.

The State of California (CA) is the third largest with 155,779 sq mi or 403,466 sq.km. The Golden State has the highest number of expensive cities to buy property in the U.S. and is also the most populated state.

Away from CA, let’s move to a state that is known for its abundant natural mineral resources, Montana is the fourth largest with 145,546 sq mi or 376,962 sq.km. But in terms of population, the State of Montana is 44th and 20th on the happiest state ranking list.

New Mexico with 121,298 sq mi of land area is the fourth in the U.S. 99.75% of New Mexico’s total area is land unlike state like Michigan where land area takes only 58.46% while water area takes the rest.

Smallest States in the U.S. by Land Area

Rhode Island is the smallest U.S. state by land area followed by Delaware with 1,949 sq mi; Connecticut is the third smallest, it sits on 4,842 sq mi of land. Hawaii whose 41.24% of its total area is covered with water is the fourth smallest by land area with 6,423 sq mi while New Jersey is the fifth with 7,354 sq mi.

The land area includes the desert, all other water (intermittent, glacier, and marsh/swamp) except perennial waters is included in the U.S. land area.

According to U.S. Census Bureau, the table below shows the ranking of U.S. states, including the District of Columbia and territories by their land area:

RankStateLand Area
1Alaska570,641 sq mi
1,477,953 sq km
2Texas261,232 sq mi
676,587 sq km
3California155,779 sq mi
403,466 sq km
4Montana145,546 sq mi
376,962 sq km
5New Mexico121,298 sq mi
314,161 sq km
6Arizona113,594 sq mi
294,207 sq km
7Nevada109,781 sq mi
284,332 sq km
8Colorado103,642 sq mi
268,431 sq km
9Wyoming97,093 sq mi
251,470 sq km
10Oregon95,988 sq mi
248,608 sq km
11Idaho82,643 sq mi
214,045 sq km
12Utah82,170 sq mi
212,818 sq km
13Kansas81,759 sq mi
211,754 sq km
14Minnesota79,627 sq mi
206,232 sq km
15Nebraska76,824 sq mi
198,974 sq km
16South Dakota75,811 sq mi
196,350 sq km
17North Dakota69,001 sq mi
178,711 sq km
18Missouri68,742 sq mi
178,040 sq km
19Oklahoma68,595 sq mi
177,660 sq km
20Washington66,456 sq mi
172,119 sq km
21Georgia57,513 sq mi
148,959 sq km
22Michigan56,539 sq mi
146,435 sq km
23Iowa55,857 sq mi
144,669 sq km
24Illinois55,519 sq mi
143,793 sq km
25Wisconsin54,158 sq mi
140,268 sq km
26Florida53,625 sq mi
138,887 sq km
27Arkansas52,035 sq mi
134,771 sq km
28Alabama50,645 sq mi
131,171 sq km
29North Carolina48,618 sq mi
125,920 sq km
30New York47,126 sq mi
122,057 sq km
31Mississippi46,923 sq mi
121,531 sq km
32Pennsylvania44,743 sq mi
115,883 sq km
33Louisiana43,204 sq mi
111,898 sq km
34Tennessee41,235 sq mi
106,798 sq km
35Ohio40,861 sq mi
105,829 sq km
36Virginia39,490 sq mi
102,279 sq km
37Kentucky39,486 sq mi
102,269 sq km
38Indiana35,826 sq mi
92,789 sq km
39Maine30,843 sq mi
79,883 sq km
40South Carolina30,061 sq mi
77,857 sq km
41West Virginia24,038 sq mi
62,259 sq km
42Maryland9,707 sq mi
25,142 sq km
43Vermont9,217 sq mi
23,871 sq km
44New Hampshire8,953 sq mi
23,187 sq km
45Massachusetts7,800 sq mi
20,202 sq km
46New Jersey7,354 sq mi
19,047 sq km
47Hawaii6,423 sq mi
16,635 sq km
48Connecticut4,842 sq mi
12,542 sq km
49Delaware1,949 sq mi
5,047 sq km
50Rhode Island1,034 sq mi
2,678 sq km
Puerto Rico3,424 sq mi
8,868 sq km
Island Areas603 sq mi
1,562 sq km
Guam210 sq mi
543 sq km
Northern Mariana182 sq mi
472 sq km
U.S. Virgin Islands134 sq mi
348 sq km
American Samoa76 sq mi
198 sq km
District of Columbia61 sq mi
158 sq km
TOTAL3,531,905 sq mi
9,147,593 sq km
Source: U.S. Census Bureau


The data obtained from the Census Bureau of the U.S. shows that 93.024% of the area of the U.S. is land while water area takes 6.97%.

Ranking the 50 states based on land area, Alaska, Texas, California, Montana, and New Mexico are the top five largest while Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, and New Jersey are the smallest in that order.

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