Postal Codes in Nigeria infomediang

Adamawa State Postal Codes By Urban Locations and LGAs

Last updated on December 14th, 2022 at 10:07 am


Considering the fact that the state is one of the largest in Nigeria with 36,917 square kilometres, it is very important to categorise Adamawa State postal codes using the Local Government Areas and the towns for easy delivery of letters and parcel within and out Nigeria.


It has 21 LGAs and several other towns and villages spread across the state. It is the home of the American University of Nigeria, Yola, owned by former Vice President Atiku Abubakar.


The local government in Adamawa which we’ll be using for postal codes in the state are listed below:

  1. Demsa
  2. Fufore
  3. Ganye
  4. Girei
  5. Gombi
  6. Guyuk
  7. Hong
  8. Jada
  9. Lamurde
  10. Madagali
  11. Maiha
  12. Mayo-Belwa
  13. Michika
  14. Mubi North
  15. Mubi South
  16. Numan
  17. Shelleng
  18. Song
  19. Toungo
  20. Yola North
  21. Yola South

Complete list of postal codes in Adamawa State  by LGAs and Towns

The postcodes below is in accordance with Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST) using LGAs and districts:

Adamawa State Postal Codes for Michika LGA

  • Bazza: 651103
  • Futu: 651106
  • Garta: 651105
  • Madzi: 657108
  • Michika town: 657101
  • Nkafa: 651107
  • Zah: 651104

Postal Codes for Mubi North & South LGAs

  • Bahuli: 650113
  • Mayo Bani: 650102
  • Mobu (Ruru): 650101
  • Muchalla: 650112
  • Airfield: 650212
  • Yelwa Ward: 650272
  • Shuware Ward: 650211
  • Kochifa Ward: 650272
  • Lukuwa: 650221
  • Wuro Jibirward: 650251
  • School of Arts: 650231
  • Wuro Patuji: 650232
  • Nasarawa: 650241
  • Industrial: 650261

Postal codes for Numan LGA, Admawa

  • Bakta: 643104
  • Bare: 642112
  • Bodwai: 643106
  • Kiri: 643105
  • Libbo Dutse: 643103
  • Numan: 642101
  • Shelleng: 643102
  • Vulpi: 642111

Postcodes for Song LGA, Adamawa State

  • Ditera: 652104
  • Mboi: 652107
  • Song: 652102
  • Waltadi: 652102
  • Zumo: 652103
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Toungo LGA Postal Codes

  • Dawo: 641119
  • Gamu: 641118
  • Kini: 641117

Postal Codes for Yola North & South LGAs

  • Lamido Palace: 640230
  • Federal Housing: 640231
  • Namtara: 640102
  • Yola (Rural): 640101

Adamawa Postal Codes for Madagali Council Area

Madagali or Madagli is a town as well as council area name in Adamawa State, the LGA came into being in 1991 when Taraba State was created out of Gongola State.

Madagali borders Michika to the north and shares boundary with the Republic of Cameroon to the east.

Using district to segment this LGA, postal codes for Magadali can be found below according to locations and streets within the local government.

  • Duhu: 651111
  • Gulak: 651113
  • Kirchinga: 651110
  • Madagali Town: 651102
  • Sukur: 651112

Postal codes for Maiha Local Government Area of Adamawa:

With the motto Motto, “Allah accu gondal” Maiha LGA has 5 districts with each of them with different six-digit postal codes.

See the postcode for streets and locations within Maiha districts.

  • Belel: 650106
  • Maiha: 650104
  • Mbila: 650115
  • Pakka-Vokuna: 650214
  • Sarau: 650105

Adawawa State Postal Codes for Mayo Belwa LGA

  • Bajama: 642121
  • Binyeri: 641103
  • Mayo Belwa town: 641101
  • Mayo Farang: 641102
  • Mayo Lamja: 642120

Postal codes for Hong LGA, Adamawa State

Daktsi: 650111

Note: All locations within Daksi, Hong LGA use 650111

Dugwamba Postal code: 650109

Note: All the streets and areas in Dugwamba use 650109

Gaya: 650107

Note: All the locations within Gaya, Hong LGA, Adamawa State use 650107.

Hong: 650107

Note: All the streets(locations) in Hong, Hong LGA use 650107.

Kuliyi: 650108

Note: All the streets and locations within Kuliyi use 650108.

UBA: 650111

Note: All the areas in UBA district, Hong LGA use 650110.

Jada LGA, Adamawa State postal code

Danaba: 641127

Note: Every street and Location within Danaba use 641127 as their postal code.

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Jada: 641107

Note: All Locations within Jada District use 641107.

Kom: 641109

Note: Locations within Koma district, Jada LGA use 641109.

Leko: 641108

Note: All the Locations within Leko use 641108

Mapeo: 641126

Note: Locations within Mapeo use 641126.

Mayo-Kalaye: 641124

Note: Locations within Mayo-Kalaye use 641124.

Mbulo: 641123

Note: All the Streets and Areas within Mbulo use 641123

Nyibango: 641122

Note: Locations within Nyibango use 641122

Yelli: 641127

Note: Streets and areas within Yelli use 641125.

Jimeta Town postal code

  • Old G.R.A: 640221
  • Dubeli: 640284
  • Karewa: 640261
  • Luggere: 640281
  • Demsawo: 640282
  • Majalisa: 640211
  • Jambutu: 640283
  • Gwadabawa: 640212

Postal codes for Lamurde LGA, Adamawa State

Lamurde Local Government Area is inhabited predominantly by the Bwatiye (Bachama) people, below is the list

  • Gyawana: 642114
  • Kwah: 642116
  • Lamurde: 642104
  • Suwa: 642117
  • Waduku: 642115

Adamawa State Postal Codes for Demsa Local Government Area

All the towns/villages in Bali use 642109.

All the streets and locations in Bille use 642110.

Streets and areas within Borrong, Demsa LGA, use 642105.

All locations within Demsa, Demsa LGA, use 642103.

All the locations within Dong, Demsa LGA use 642108.

Gwmba: 642107

All the streets and locations within Gwmba, Demsa LGA use 642107.

Mbula: 642102

All the location and streets within Mbula, Demsa LGA, use 642102.

Fufure LGA

All the streets and locations within Daware, Fufure LGA, use 640108.

Gurin: 640104

All the locations and streets within Gurin, Fufure LGA, of Adamawa State use 640104.

Malabu: 640103

All the streets and locations within Mababu, Fufure LGA use 640103.

Mayo-Inne: 640106

Gombi LGA 

Towns and streets within Guyaku, Gombi LGA use 652108

Gombi LGA

All locations in Lala, Gombi LGA, Adamawa use 652107.

Grie LGA Postal codes

The postal code is 652105

Note: All the towns and villages within Grie LGA use 652105

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Gayuk (LGA) Postal codes

Banjiram: 643110

Note: All the locations within Banjiram, Gayuk LGA of Adamawa State use 643110:

Bobini: 643111

Note: All the locations within Bobini, Gayuk LGA use 643111

Chikila: 643107

Note: All the streets within Chikila, Gayuk LGA use 643107.

Dukul: 643108

Note: All the locations within Dakul, Gayuk LGA use 643108.

Dumna: 643110

Note: All the locations within Dumna, Gayuk LGA use 643110.

Guyuk: 643101

Note: All the streets and locations in Guyuk, Gayuk LGA use 643101

Kola: 643112

Note: All the streets in Kola, Gayuk LGA use 643112.

All the locations and streets within Mayo-Inne use 640106.

Nyibango: 640109

All the locations and streets within Nyibango use 640109.

Riba: 640107

All the locations and streets in Riba, Fufure LGA, use 640107.

Verre: 640105

All the locations and streets in Verre use 640105.

Ganye LGA

Banarikiuso: 642115

All the locations and streets within Banarikiuso, Ganye LGA, use 642115.

Gurum: 642116

All the locations within Gurum, Ganye LGA, use 642116.

Jaggu: 642114

All the locations and streets in Jaggu, Ganye LGA, use 642114:

Sugu: 641111

All the locations and streets within Sugu, Ganye LGA, Adamawa state use 641111.

Timdore: 641112

All the locations and streets within Timdore, Ganye LGA use 641112:

Yebbi: 641113

All the locations and streets within Yebbi, Ganye LGA use 641113.

Gombi LGA

Ga’Anda: 652101

All the locations within Ga’Anda, Gombi LGA of Adamawa state use 652101.

Garkida: 652109

Note: All the location within Garkida, Gombi use the 652109.

Any time you to send a letter or parcel to Adamawa, you can simply use this list to find the postal codes of the town or location.

N.B: Abia State Postal codes can be found in one of our earlier posts.


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