Opeyemi Quadri

Ope is a finance writer and researcher with 10+ years of experience in content creation. His interests cut across decentralized finance, investment, foreign exchange, government policies and politics.

Kenya to create special unit for Cryptocurrency related issues

Kenya’s Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is proposing the creation of a special unit to handle ICOs and cryptocurrency related issues. CMA Chief Executive Paul Muthaura said the unit would include all relevant regulators in the financial market in the country. This is found in Capital Market Soundness Report, “Staying the course in a Turbulent World of Increasing […]

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Cryptocurrencies are real, JPMorgan Co-President Pinto says

Co-President of JPMorgan Chase Jerry Pinto knows that ‘cryptocurrencies are real, but he wants them really evolve to become a viable financial products. “Cryptocurrencies are real but not in the current form,” Pinto was quoted as saying by CoinTelegraph. The financial institution has been finding it hard to ignore the digital sector since bitcoin boom

Cryptocurrencies are real, JPMorgan Co-President Pinto says Read More »

Telegram cancels ICO after raising $1.7 Billion in presale

One of the World’s largest and secured messaging app Telegram has cancelled its intial plan of launching its public initial coin offering (ICO) after raising $1.7 billion. Telegram’s planned ICO was aimed to fund the development of its “third-generation blockchain.” The Wall Street Journal reports that Telegram determined that it is pleased with the $1.7

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A HUGE fish, Nasdaq, is coming to crypto trading soon

World second-largest stock exchange firm in terms of market capitalization Nasdaq may be a game changer when it finally enters the cryptocurrency trading platform. Nasdaq  Chief Executive Officer Adena Friedman hinted that the stock market could become a platform for trading cryptocurrencies in the future, but that will be when the crypto market becomes more regulated, CNBC’s Squawk

A HUGE fish, Nasdaq, is coming to crypto trading soon Read More »

Walmart to adopt Blockchain Technology for live food business

America’s multinational retail corporation Walmart Inc. has shown interest in adopting Blockchain technology in its live food business, the announcement has received encomiums from blockchain enthusiasts around the world. Walmart Vice President of Food Safety and Health, Frank Yiannas, made the announcement Monday at the MIT Technology Review’s Business of Blockchain conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts,

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