Nicknames of States in The U.S.

Last updated on December 19th, 2023 at 10:08 am


All the 50 states of the U.S have unofficial names known as nicknames, we all humans have nicknames at some point during our school days, so why won’t the states have them?

But many of the nicknames of the U.S states came about for a specific reason. The nicknames listed in this article are traceable to some specific features peculiar to the state.

Some states have more than a nickname, however, we’ve seen some of them, over the years, use the quasi-name officially while some coined by the people.


For instance, some of the descriptive names associated with California include The Golden State, Grape State, The Eureka State, Land of Milk and Honey, El Dorado State, and Golden West.

Of all the nicknames of California, “The Golden State” is the most popular and was made the official nickname of California in 1968, according to California State Library.

As such, it may be rare to find a U.S resident who doesn’t know that California is the Golden State. One might want to ask….

Why is California called the Golden State?

Historically, the discovery of gold in the state around 1848 is the major reason behind “The Golden State” and of course, gold was later made an official element of the state.

Also, the slogan of California, “Eureka” which is used to express joy when someone found something precious can also be traced to the gold rush in the state. Eureka became the state’s new slogan in 1963.

States nicknames and slogans

Slogans and Nicknames of states in the U.S
Statue of Liberty

States in Nigeria also have slogans. This list contains the nicknames of states in the United State and their slogans

AlabamaYellowhammer StateAudemus jura nostra defendere
AlaskaThe Last FrontierNorth to the Future
ArizonaThe Grand Canyon StateDitat Deus
ArkansasThe Natural StateRegnat populus
CaliforniaThe Golden StateEureka
ColoradoThe Centennial StateNil sine numine
ConnecticutThe Constitution StateQui transtulit sustinet
DelawareThe First StateLiberty and independence
FloridaThe Sunshine StateIn God we trust
GeorgiaThe Peach StateWisdom, Justice, Moderation
HawaiiThe Aloha StateUa Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Āina i ka Pono
IdahoThe Gem StateEsto perpetua
IllinoisThe Prairie StateState sovereignty, national union
IndianaThe Hoosier StateThe crossroads of America
IowaThe Hawkeye StateOur liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
KansasThe Sunflower StateAd astra per aspera
KentuckyThe Bluegrass State United we stand, divided we fall
LouisianaThe Pelican StateUnion, justice, and confidence
MaineThe Pine Tree StateDirigo
MarylandThe Old Line StateFatti maschi, parole femmine
MassachusettsThe Bay StateEnse petit placidam sub libertate quietem
MichiganThe Great Lakes StateSi quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspic
MinnesotaThe North Star StateL’étoile du Nord / Quae sursum volo videre
MississippiThe Magnolia StateVirtute et armis
MontanaThe Treasure StateOro y plata
MissouriThe Show Me StateSalus populi suprema lex esto
New HampshireThe Granite StateLive free or die
NevadaThe Silver StateAll for our country
NebraskaThe Cornhusker StateEquality before the law
New MexicoThe Land of EnchantmentCrescit eundo
New YorkThe Empire StateExcelsior!
New JerseyThe Garden StateLiberty and Prosperity
North DakotaThe Peace Garden StateLiberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable 
North CarolinaThe Tar Heel StateEsse quam videri
OregonThe Beaver StateThe Union, and Alis volat propriis
OklahomaThe Sooner StateLabor omnia vincit
OhioThe Buckeye StateWith God, all things are possible
PennsylvaniaThe Keystone StateVirtue, Liberty and Independence
Rhode IslandThe Ocean StateHope
South CarolinaThe Palmetto StateDum spiro spero
South DakotaMount Rushmore StateUnder God, the people rule
TexasThe Lone Star StateFriendship
TennesseeThe Volunteer StateAgriculture and Commerce
UtahThe Beehive StateIndustry
VermontThe Green Mountain StateFreedom and Unity
VirginiaThe Old Dominion StateSic semper tyrannis
WashingtonThe Evergreen StateAl-ki
West VirginiaThe Mountain StateMontani semper liberi
WisconsinThe Badger StateForward
WyomingThe Equality StateEqual Rights and Cedant arma togae

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